Update from the Fairy Tale Dimension

It has been some time since I told you about my work as the ring-bearer in the Fairy Tale Dimension.

Here I live a normal life with my family. I work in my home and as a healing practitioner. I coach people and write blog articles on personal development, mostly in German, and do live workshops. I enjoy working internationally.

One part of me is connected closely to the Fairy Tale Dimension

I am visiting the Fairy Tale Dimension often. But in my daily life I am not aware of doing this. This is a good thing because I am rooted here and I can distinguish this reality from the one in the Fairy Tale Dimension easily. Otherwise I would probably get confused and end up in an institution.

The ring-bearer before me

My predecessor was from the Fairy Tale Dimension. He was a magician with a mischievous smile whom I picture with a long grey beard and a Merlin outfit. He had the job for about 300 years. He was a very nice guy and much liked by everybody. He loved meeting people and partying. His strong point was to keep the fairy tale countries together.

Magier Playmo

He visited our dimension often in medieval times

Because he could materialize anywhere he wanted to he was one of the most travelled persons of that time. He visited the Aborigines of Australia when they still had the continent to themselves, for example.

He perceived our planet as one living being and was very taken by its beauty and interconnected life.

This is different from the Fairy Tale Dimension where very diverse countries exist side by side that can function well apart from each other. When you change something in one country it does not affect the others much.

On our planet we are only now learning how closely everything is interconnected

When there is a war in one part of our world the other parts are touched by the violent energies, too. It does not matter that we don´t feel this consciously. When people suffer somewhere the rest of us also suffers but we are often too numb to feel it. It is in all of our interest to become more aware of our interconnectedness. We are getting there:

People start to tap more into our planet´s agonies

This spring I had the first clients who felt uneasy and restless and did not understand why they had trouble sleeping. I found out that they had tapped into the suffering of our planet. When they understood the reason for their symptoms and I helped them to buffer the excess energies they could sleep again.

I also feel the trauma many people are experiencing at the moment. I experience gloomy days, feeling unwell and headaches. It took some time before I realised that my compassion was getting the best of me. Of course it is not very efficient to feel bad when you want to support and lend energy. I realised I have to buffer much more now and this helps.

Send me an E-mail if

you have unexplainable symptoms like

  • bad sleep
  • feeling restless
  • some doom and gloom days
  • feeling helpless
  • sudden fear
  • unusual headaches or feeling dizzy

I tell you for free the whole of November 2019 whether your symptoms are connected to the turmoil we are in.

What my predecessor accomplished

My predecessor as a ring-bearer was very fond of the multitude of life in the millions of our galaxies. He loved all the life forms he found and the diversity he discovered. He kept notes and dictated them to his secretaries back home. His travel accounts fill a big bookcase in the magic library.

His aim was to link the two dimensions in a very beneficial way and he did accomplish that.

Where my predecessor failed

What he did not achieve – like many ring bearers before him – was the frequency change  that is so vital for the development and the wellbeing of the Fairy Tale Dimension. It has to be done every 2.000 years by the current ring-bearer. It was long overdue by the time the ring energy was brought to me four years ago.

Because of his many travels he did not apply himself enough to mastering the third rune of the ring that enables the necessary changes of the blueprint of the dimension.

100 percent self-acceptance is needed

The blueprint of the Fairy Tale Dimension is a living entity. You have to be totally in tune with yourself to safely channel the energies necessary to complete the frequency change. Otherwise you create disturbances that literally tear you apart. Only somebody who is totally accepting of self can channel these energies without getting hurt.

Sadly he left this task to his successor – me – a human being who is still developing her healing abilities. My talent as a healer was the reason why I was chosen by the ring energy to be the living link between our two dimensions.

I have been working on my self-acceptance since my early twenties. To complete the frequency change I knew I needed to reach a level of 100% of self-acceptance. How was I ever going to manage that?


Time was running out in the Fairy Tale Dimension

I was not sure whether I could ever achieve 100%. I was practising a lot to master the two gatekeeper runes of the ring that were there for training purposes. I was very much aware of the growing urgency:

The whole Fairy Tale Dimension was showing signs of sickness and a lot of beings were suffering. They never had to do that in the past. Instant healing was what they were used to. My healing circle and me did our best to try to alleviate the worst consequences but time was running out.

Practise and training

I had a lot of help with the training. My favourite tree teacher was practising with me a lot because I had to learn how to manipulate huge amounts of energy. Accidents could have been very harmful for the whole dimension. Soon the specially proofed rooms of the magic school could not buffer these energies any more. Magicians from all over the dimension volunteered to help contain the dangerous results of my training.

When I tap into this I see a circle of beings – magicians can have almost every shape and form – struggling to keep a big containment field intact. We all ended up with singed body parts and torn clothes a lot of times. And more than once there was a big crater because I had vaporised us all. Thankfully death and injuries are not permanent there and we reappeared with ringing ears the next instant and evaluated what went wrong.

Humour is an integral part of the Fairy Tale Dimension

The magicians laughed so much about my futile attempts that they often pissed me off. Hey, I was doing this for them and they were rolling on the ground holding their bellies laughing!

What I cherished was the support and the companionship of this diverse group of beings. They never wavered in their trust. Well, they did not really have an alternative.

I only reached 100% self-acceptance once in the beginning of February 2018 in a meditation; assisted by my husband who is an expert energy manipulator. Thankfully that was enough. The moment I realised that I was at 100% the first thing I did was finalise the frequency change in the Fairy Tale Dimension. How relieved I felt you cannot imagine!

I have not been at 100% self-acceptance ever since. I remember this wonderful feeling of inner peace and I am still working towards that goal. This is not easy with all the not good enoughs we are brought up with.

One and a half years after the frequency change

The healing of the ill effects of the delay of frequency change is still in progress. People, plants and everything else are slowly returning to a healthy state.

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My big tour through the Fairy Tale Dimension

Since the change I have been on a big tour through every country. I am keeping up the tradition of my predecessor in getting to know as much about the other dimension as I possibly can.

Even with my many means of transportation: Library tunnels, teleporting and the flying boots I only manage to visit three or four countries per day. It will take decades to complete my task and I am not sure whether I will be ever able to finish it. I do it anyway. It is so much fun for everybody.

Empty and overcrowded countries

On this journey I learn a lot. I have discovered some abandoned fairy tale countries. Together with the GrImporter I decide whether we can still use them or if they should make place for new ones.

Some countries are crowded. The Rapunzel country is one of them. Here I work together with local magicians and gentry to decide how and where to create more space.

With everybody worrying about the frequency change maintenance concerning individual countries wasn´t a priority.

How do I know all this about the Fairy Tale Dimension?

I get the information I am sharing here by tapping into it. When I do my looking behind the scenes articles I tap into these countries and share my impressions.

What is tapping into?

Tapping into is much like every author of fiction works. I just heard Sebastian Fitzek, the internationally successful German writer of thrillers, say in an interview that 80 pages into a new book, his main figures take over the lead and all his plans for the plot are for the waste paper basket. He just hopes that the story will have an end he can live with. He has not believed other writers who told the same story until he experienced it himself.

Every book is real somewhere

When an author is writing he is tapping into another reality. Every book that is written is true in some realm and the writer finds the key to this reality and transports it back here for us to enjoy.

Tapping into while writing

This is just what I do: I tap into the Fairy Tale Dimension and I tell you about it in my behind the scenes articles:

Writing this blog motivates me to take the time to sit down and tap into the Fairy Tale Dimension regularly. While writing information and impressions find their way into my mind and onto the page.

Or in the shower

One of the places where I can tap into the Fairy Tale Dimension very well besides the computer is the shower. This is the reason why I sometimes stay in the shower much longer than necessary for cleaning purposes.

How accurate are my impressions of the Fairy Tale Dimension?

I have no idea. There is no scientific proof of anything of this yet. Scientists are still working on the the theories of multiple dimensions.

Does it matter? Not really. It widens my awareness to tap into the Fairy Tale Dimension. It has become much more easy to create my reality here because I can see many more possibilities. And it is fun!

Do you have any questions about the Fairy Tale Dimension and my role as the ring-bearer? Don´t hesitate to ask.

Are there any fairy tale countries you would like to have behind the scenes information of?

Pictures: Private

© Inge Schumacher

The GrImporter

Or how do you enter the fairy tale dimension?

Today we meet another one of the key figures of the fairy tale dimension (FTD). We already know the ring bearer and the grim reaper. The ring bearer is a person who alternately comes from our dimension and the FTD. He is a great magician in the FTD and a powerful healer in our dimension. The ring bearer can work with the blueprint of the fairy tale dimension and is therefore vital for its development. The grim reaper´s job is to accompany people out of the dimension.

Our new key figure is the GrImporter. His job is also built into the blueprint of the dimension. He represents the door into the fairy tale dimension. What do we have to do when we want to live in the FTD and make playful experiences there? We connect with the GrImporter.


The waiting room

The GrImporter meets us in the big waiting room of the FTD. The waiting room is furnished with comfortable chairs and sofas. There are water dispensers and a coffee machine. When we arrive a lot of other beings, who also want to become part of the FTD, are already present.

Basically the GrImporter is the sales representative for the FTD. When there are vacancies in the different fairy tales he fills them by doing sales-pitches. He is aided in this by an interactive video-wall that shows the respective fairy tale lands to the prospective takers. We listen to him:

“Ladies and gentlemen, there happens to be an opening in the very well known fairy tale of Snow White. One of the seven dwarfs has just left the dimension and needs to be replaced. His name is Dopey.” He opens a video window to this fairy tale that shows the remaining six dwarfs happily cooking dinner in their beautiful old-fashioned house in the woods.

“I assure you that you are not stuck with being Dopey all the time because the dwarfs regularly change roles and shapeshift. As you might know almost everybody here can change his appearance. You will have a lot of freedom when you join this gang. The dwarfs are accomplished craftsmen und magicians. They love adventures. ” He shows a picture of a dwarf on a magic motorcycle.

He adds: “By the way, Snow White´s stepmother is thinking of retiring soon. If you care to wait a bit you can have her place. It comes with a lot of magic powers and a beautiful body, of course.” He shows us pictures and videos of the impressive castle, the many rooms and a lot of staff. Pretty soon he has some applicants for the vacancies and he accompanies them to a separate cubicle to discuss details.

The present GrImporter looks human and young although he has had this job for more than 100 earth years. He has dark blond hair that is sticking out on all sides because he habitually runs his fingers through it. He has friendly blue eyes that are twinkling with laughter. He wears a light blue overall with a nametag identifying him: “GrImporter, Incoming Services of the Fairy Tale Dimension”. Yeah, right.

We come up to his desk for our interview. He shuffles some papers around and looks briefly on his computer screen. The equipment looks modern, a bit like in an earth style travel agency. He is fiddling with a ballpoint pen: “What can I do for you?” he asks us. We have a difficult request for him. Let us see how he manages it.

“We want to play in a fairy tale where we can fly in a humanoid form. This means we need a country that incorporates great heights. We picture the inhabitants of this country living in houses perched on levitating rocks. We would like to form a society based on harvesting and processing soft fluffy cloudwool”, we answer.


Creating a new fairy tale story

The GrImporter raises his eyebrows: “You have a very detailed imagination.” Absentmindedly he chews on his pen. Then his eyes light up.

“I have an idea. We don´t have a fairy tale with these specifications yet. You are lucky that our current ring bearer has just mastered the third rune for the first time. I am going to chat with her and we will see whether we can add a new fairy tale country in the near future. It will take some time because we have to clarify the specifications and check them with the blueprint. We also need to find other people who are willing to join you in this new story. I hope you understand that it is not very efficient to add a new fairy tale land just for a handful of people.”

He is willing to help us to create a new fairy tale story? This is pretty cool!

Multiple GrImporters

All the incoming fairy tale fans are personally served by the GrImporter and offered an entrance into the fairy tales that fit their needs best. Considering that there are billions of inhabitants, the GrImporter, just like the grim reaper, can make copies of himself. He has created avatars that he employs as needed. One of the perks of being a key figure in this dimension is that you have a lot of freedom in how you fill your role.

Automation of country changes

To ease his workload the GrImporter is working on the continuing automation of the low level changes. By low level changes he means people who want to stay in the dimension  and move from one country to another only. I have explained in a previous blog article that you can change your stories as often as you want to. Sometimes people just walk out of one fairy tale country and end up in the next. Or they die in one country and magically reappear in the next.

It is the job of the GrImporter to facilitate these changes. He has to make sure that there is sufficient room for the new inhabitants in their chosen fairy tale story and provide the logistics. For this task the GrImporter has created a vast databank that works like an Artificial Intelligence. Its job is to match places and people fast and efficiently. Its personality incorporates many traits of the blueprint of the FTD. This means that there can be some funny – in the FTD sense – surprises when an inhabitant changes his centre of living. The GrImporter shows us how the AI system works and we are impressed. He did a very good creative job with this automation!

Where the GrImporter lives

The GrImporter lives in a very secret part of the FTD where the other key figures reside, too. This area is secured and fortified by a multitude of spells and because of this it is practically invisible. Like the other key figures he has the power to customize his home and his grounds according to his needs. Let us pay him a visit.

His house is large and looks very modern. It is a white bungalow built in a U-form. In the space in the middle of the three sides of the U there is a tropical garden and a swimming pool. Nice!

We arrive on a wide porch and knock on a white door. He welcomes us warmly and invites us in. Our first glance at the interior decoration of his house reveals that this is the home of a high tech nerd. In our line of sight there are many gadgets, machines and appliances that look quite unfamiliar. We cannot even guess what they are used for.

His spacious office, for example, is filled with a multitude of computer screens and electronic equipment. But wait, this is not the earth electronics we a familiar with. This must be some combination of medieval magic and digital age gimmicks. We ask and the GrImporter grins and nodds. He explains that he likes to create hybrid machines that combine electronics and magic. He shows us some of his experimental devices, which, he assures us, are not dangerous.

The GrImporter has two assistants who live with him. The apprentices are a girl and a boy who look very much alike. They seem to be in their early twenties. Both are skinny and long limbed with long dark hair, jeans, T-Shirts and sneakers. They are very fond of games and automation and therefore can support their boss in his various endeavours adequately.

In the huge living room we see a large sprawling sofa and a lot of big screens. There are also seats and tables that are covered with all kinds of equipment. The GrImporter explains that a lot of these machines – they work with and without magic – are used for a variety of video games. 3D video games seem to be the hobby of the apprentices.

The kitchen is a high-end affair with shiny appliances and more switches and controls than you would expect in a spacecraft. The GrImporter switches on an elaborate coffee machine and produces delicious coffee for us.

Unlike the grim reaper the GrImporter has a very companionable personality. He is very fond of experiments and some of his best friends are the most powerful magicians in the FTD. We have a mutual friend in the old tree magician, the headmaster of the magic school. (The Magic School) Often he and his magician friends sit together and devise new ingenious ways of supporting their various jobs and tasks and of course to play. Their experiments are often loud and smelly, of course.

The GrImporter hosts parties regularly and it is an honour for the inhabitants of the fairy tale dimension to get invited.

I have the feeling that we will be seeing much more of this key figure of the fairy tale dimension in the near future.

© Inge Schumacher



Visiting the Grim Reaper


In the last blog post I told you that death in the fairytale dimension (FTD) is not as absolute as it is here. People can choose whether to rise from the dead and go on living in the same place and time or not. Death in one fairy tale country is often only a means to start fresh in another one.


How to leave the FTD

What happens when people want to disengage from the fairy tale dimension altogether? For this you need the grim reaper. He is personified death. The grim reaper is an integral part of the FTD. His job is built into the blueprint of the dimension. He is the gatekeeper who escorts people out of the dimension into other states of consciousness. His job is really big and very important. He has hundreds of billions of possible clients: Every inhabitant of the FTD.

If someone is choosing to die they subconsciously call the grim reaper. He receives the signal and comes and gets them. There are many different manners of disengagement to choose from, but in the FTD people prefer to simply vanish. They rarely create illnesses, accidents or other violent ways to disengage. Interestingly their bodies disappear with them. At the agreed time death appears in one of his disguises and takes them by the hand. With the other hand he opens the exit and escorts his client out of the dimension.

Sometimes when he shows up a bit late people have changed their minds and this is where the legend of cheating the grim reaper comes from. In fact people don´t cheat death; they simply change their opinion and choose to stay longer.


The two insignias of the grim reaper

The grim reaper uses his insignias to perform his duties. They are handed down from one reaper to the next.

The first item is the magic key that will open the door out of the dimension. We usually picture this key as a scythe. If you observe it closely however you can see that it does not have any sharp edges. It looks more like a big intricately crafted key with runes on it mounted on a stick. He is the only being who can open the door of the dimension with this key.

The famous black hooded cape is the second item. It helps the grim reaper to shapeshift and appear at a multitude of locations. To journey in all parts of the dimension simultaneously he has a specially outfitted room in his house. The room has a round shape and there are lots of mirrors on the walls facing inwards. Death stands in the middle of the room with his cape and key and his image is multiplied hundredfold. He then tunes in to the different calls for disengagement and walks through the mirrors in as many versions of himself as it takes to meet his clients everywhere in the dimension.


Personified death in earth culture

The concept of personified death is part of earth culture, too. Pictures of death as a skeleton with his black cape and scythe are depicted often.

In my healing practise I have once worked with a girl who has lost her mother early in life. I was consulted because she was having terrible nightmares. In these nightmares she visualised death as a skeleton with a black cape that was attacking her mother. Thankfully we managed to get rid of this nightmare. But this incident shows that even children personify death in this way.

Here is a Wikipedia link on personified death in earth cultures if you are interested the grim reaper.

A visit in the home of the grim reaper

It turns out that death in the FTD is not grim at all but a very friendly humanoid fellow who takes his job quite seriously. I call him Grimmy and he thinks this name is hilarious. When I asked him whether I could visit him with a group of friends he gladly invited us into his home. Being the ring bearer has its perks. This house and its location is one of the best kept secrets of the dimension. Hardly anybody ever gets invited there. Like my home it is built mostly in the shadows. This means it is not easily visible when you walk by. In his home Grimmy feels at ease and can relax from his strenuous job. If you want to know more about the home of the ring bearer follow this link: Home of the Ringbearer.

Grimmy and his assistants cooked a wonderful meal for us. We sat around a big table getting to know each other. After the meal there was an impromptu party. The furniture in the dining room was put to the side and somebody played some music. One of my friends literally flirted with death. Both of them had a ball. My friend from Switzerland played a game of cards with Grimmy: A game where the player who cheats best wins. I am not sure who was best. He let some of us even try on his cape and pose in the mirror. Fun.

His house was not dark at all but very light. We did a tour and he seemed to favour light wood panels to plain painted walls. There were some interesting art objects on display: I saw a statue of a mother and child and some cheerful paintings with flowers. They reminded me of Monet.

The story of the grim reaper

In a quiet moment I asked him how he became the grim reaper. He told me his story:

He has lived many life times in different fairy tale stories. He was not so much interested in magic but more in social interactions. In these lives he was mostly a craftsman or a farmer.

He got interested in the job of the grim reaper when his late wife chose to leave the dimension. He watched when she left on a beautiful horse, slowly vanishing form his sight. He was fascinated and contacted the grim reaper currently in office and interviewed him about the job. Soon afterwards he was accepted as an apprentice. When his predecessor wanted to leave the dimension he performed an elaborate ritual and handed over the insignias and his powers of office to Grimmy.


It was very fascinating to meet a person who plays such an important role in the FTD. I enjoyed this visit very much. Grimmy is such an interesting likable fellow and a very considerate host. Should you meet him in your dreams give him my kindest regards.

© Inge Schumacher



The Ring Bearer

How I became the Ring Bearer.

In January 2014 I visited the central library in Hamburg and had a strange experience. When I went into the building at opening time with a big crowd there were three people, two men and a woman, sitting at a table watching me intensely. I felt very much scrutinized. When I went back out an hour later they were still sitting there watching me. I went home and told my husband about this eerie experience.

It took me some time to figure out that these three people were ambassadors from the fairy tale dimension. They were magicians from the fairy tale dimension: A butterfly, a snake and a badger who had adjusted their energy to fit into our dimension. They fit so well that no one noticed them as visitors. Only my odd feeling was an indicator that something was very different about them.

The reason they were watching me so intensely was that they wanted to meet the new designated link between the two dimensions; the ring bearer: When a healer in this dimension with the potential to be the new ring bearer is making himself known the key figures notice. On some level I was not aware I had agreed to take this job.

Of course they want take a look at this person. They brought the energy of the ring with them. This energy is written into both the blueprints of our dimension and of the Fairy Tale Dimension (FTD). For me noticing them was the start to the very interesting adventure I am sharing in this blog.

Now how did I find out all of this? Well, for more than 10 years I have been talking to a channelled entity called Elias. He is channelled by Mary Ennis. Here is the link to the website if you want to learn more about Elias: http://www.eliasweb.at

Elias is not living in this dimension at the moment and is able to read energy very well. I use his expertise to validate subjective information like the ones I am accumulating about the FTD. There is no reference book you could use for that purpose for the FTD or any other dimension. It also helps that people who are interested in the FTD, like you dear readers, tap into the information and share their dreams and findings. We all have an instinctive knowing about the FTD that makes all of us experts.


The ring is the symbol of office

The ring bearer is alternately coming from our dimension and the FTD and the way the ring bearer is chosen, is that he or she starts to display certain energy qualities strongly. In our dimension these are healing qualities and a certain “leader” energy. In the fairy tale dimension advanced magic qualities and also a “leader” quality are needed. The energy that is mostly configured into a ring in our dimension and is always a ring in the Fairy Tale Dimension makes it possible for the designated bearer of that ring to travel to the other dimension easily. Once the current ring bearer in the FTD dies the secret fraternity of the shadows will take the ring energy and will keep it safe until the next ring bearer is rising in our dimension. The fraternity of the shadows uses runes and magic that is quite powerful. This is very useful since many beings have tried to steal the ring and use the energy for their own goals.

In our dimension another secret fraternity is located in a kind of sub-dimension. After the current ring bearer from our dimension dies they come and get the energy and will keep it safe in this sub-dimension. They recognize when a magician is maturing in the Fairy Tale Dimension who has the required qualities to become the next ring bearer. Once this magician has reached a certain level of expertise, they travel into the Fairy Tale Dimension and bring the ring energy to this magician. In the Fairy Tale Dimension the energy will morph into the ring of the FTD.

The ring of the FTD is broad in the middle and there is some kind of blue material on both sides. It is framed with a silver material. On the blue material very powerful runes are visible that change continuously. The ring has another form in our dimension. The form depends on the ring bearer and contrary to the FTD the ring bearer can access the ring energy here without wearing the ring.

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Awareness of the ring bearer

In our dimension the ring bearer is not known and lives anonymously. I am glad because I am not keen on becoming as prominent as I am in the FTD: In the FTD the ring bearer is a celebrity. His power is widely acknowledged and he is seen as an important authority.  I am still in the process of getting used to this celebrity status. In both dimensions the inhabitants are not aware of the fraternities that protect the ring energy.

The insignias of the ring bearer

In the FTD the ring bearer has access to some magic objects that are called the “insignias of power”. He receives these objects together with the ring. They are very useful and help a lot with the work as a ring bearer. They are:

  1. A pair of boots that has wings on each boot that enable the bearer to move swiftly around (much like the greek god Hermes). With these boots you can take short cuts nobody else can take.
  2. A cape that has the power to make the bearer invisible (remember Harry Potter?). It also protects the user from all kinds of bad magic and keeps him safe.
  3. The cape is fastened by a big fibula. This is the third magic object and it can create a very strong light.  Nothing can hide from this light. Things and beings have to become visible as they truly are. This is very important because in the FTD so many things are not what they seem to be. Deception is an art form and quite normal. The light of the fibula can also be used to overcome every kind of darkness.

Now you read the story of how I became aware of my connection to the Fairy Tale Dimension. I told you how I received the ring energy and became the ring bearer. You don´t have to take this story literally, it is true nonetheless. In the next article I will tell you more about my duties in the fairy tale dimension.


In this facebook live video I tell the story how I became the ring bearer in much greater detail.

Pictures are my own

© Inge Schumacher