Visiting Other Dimensions and Playfulness


When you are reading this you are open for new thoughts and adventures. Today I tell you about different dimensions and how to visit them. I explain how you can use the playfulness that is expressed in the Fairy Tale Dimension to widen your awareness.


The Fairy Tale Dimension is not our reality. We happen to have chosen our dimension and this earth for our life. Parallel to our dimension there are countless others. Some dimensions we are closer associated with than others. There are dimensions that are so strange that we can hardly comprehend them. Everybody is anchored firmly in the dimension he lives in. That is a good thing because otherwise we would get very confused with all the dimensions and probable realities that are out there.

There are billions of dimensions. Here are a few examples: A well known one is the Harry Potter Dimension JK Rowling tapped into successfully. Lord of the Rings by Tolkien also has its own dimension. Did you know that there are two Atlantis dimensions? In one there was the big accident caused by misuse of crystal technology and in the other the disaster did not happen.

You can also create your own dimension. With help from others I created the Contemplative Dimension, a dimension for healing and recovering. It is open for beings from every dimension, which need a time for resting and recovering. The healing procedure works in a way that everybody tells their story and with this sharing people are healed. There is an archive where every story is stored.

Visiting other dimensions

When you have read some of my blog posts you know that I have visited other dimensions. Here a few examples: An interesting dimension is the unicorn dimension: These unicorns are big powerful beasts that live in big groups and use magic. You can also find unicorns in the fairy tale dimension. The ones I have met there are much smaller and less fierce.

I have also visited some very foreign dimensions with the help of my husband, who is an expert at that kind of thing. We were in the liquid dimension where every being consists of fluids and lives in a water-like substance. When you reconfigure your energy to fit in there you can hardly feel where you start or end. That felt strange and uncomfortable to me.

We all visit the Fairy Tale Dimension

It is not difficult to tap into dimensions we are close to. Like everything else it takes an interest to do that and practise. People have always tapped into the Fairy Tale Dimension. This is why we know so many different fairy tales. There are still multitudes of undiscovered fairy tales if you are interested in exploring. I have mentioned some in my previous blog posts. The country Shabby was born in is totally unknown so far. Here the link Start of a New Fairy Tale.

The Fairy Tale Dimension is very real but it is not our home. So recollections from dvisits there are much more hazy than our recall from what we did yesterday. We take home only fleeting impressions. Almost every human visits the Fairy Tale Dimension in dreamtime. The next time you have a colourful dream, consider that it could be a translation of a visit to the Fairy Tale Dimension.

In October 2017 we did a group dream event with focus on the Fairy Tale Dimension. A friend of mine is a dream expert. He has created a website that makes these kinds of activities possible. See Events. One of the participants shared a dream where she had a view of the vastness of the fairy tale dimension. So cool!

How do we visit other dimensions?

When you visit another dimension you project your energy there. You become an observer. It is like watching a TV show in colour with all your senses involved. You cannot interact or manipulate matter there unless you project a lot of energy, which takes practise. The problem is to take back memories of your adventures. We travel there in dreams a lot because we allow us to do and experience much more in dreams than in our daytime awareness. In dreams we can fly and do magic.

There is also the possibility to visit another dimension by creating a body there. Not many people are able to do that. I learned how to create a body in the fairy tale dimension. My husband is taking me along to other dimensions until I have learned  how to reconfigure my energy better. This reconfiguration is tricky. You have to adjust your energy in a way that fits to the energy of the dimension you visit. Even then you stick out like a sore thumb because you are still creating energy curls and waves around you because you are aliens. Some species are very sensitive to these kinds of disturbances. I remember a dimension of half men half snake beings that got really bad headaches when we visited.

These energy disturbances, created by visitors from other dimensions, explain why I noticed the three emissaries from the Fairy Tale Dimension when they brought the energy of the ring to this dimension. The Ring Bearer. They stuck out of the crowd and at the time I did not comprehend why. One of the perks of me being the ring bearer is that I can stay in the fairy tale dimension longer than others and not disturb the energy too much.


What can we learn from the fairy tale dimension?

In my last blog post I told you about the parallels I see between the situation on earth and the Fairy Tale Dimension: The Illness of The Fairy Tale Dimension and Me. I use this connection to relax my beliefs here. A few years ago I would not have thought it possible to explore other dimensions. By involving myself in the Fairy Tale Dimension I do stuff I have never done before and this widens my awareness considerably. I recognise that I am much less strict in my daily life: I can see more options when I am making decisions. I learn more about myself and this helps me to create the reality I want here.

 1. Widening your awareness

Just by contemplating that there could be such a thing like a Fairy Tale Dimension you relax your belief system and thereby widen your awareness. When the voice in your head is telling you: “This is total nonsense there are no other dimensions.” Tell that voice: “Relax, lean back and enjoy the show.” Let yourself explore things you have not explored before and this opens new avenues for thought and development.

This is why I have always loved science fiction. Science fiction stories play in realities where all kinds of things are possible. They make me think along lines I would never have explored otherwise: Alien races, strange government structures or abilities like clairvoyance.

This is also the reason why I enjoy my connection to the Fairy Tale Dimensionso much. I can explore a different reality. This is a lot of fun. I invite you to allow yourself new thoughts when you read this blog and play with your belief systems a little while you are at it.

2. Playfulness

What we can also learn from the Fairy Tale Dimension is playfulness. Its main theme is role-play. The boundaries between good and bad are much more fluid there. In the fairy tale countries the people alternate playing victim and perpetrator all the time. It helps of course that death is not fatal and illnesses and injuries easy remedied.

I have visited the Fairy Tale Dimension one time with a group to explore the Baba Yaga fairy tale. We ended up cooking each other with clothes and shoes still on. We changed our roles constantly and we did not feel any pain when we were in the pot. When we died we just reappeared, no hard feelings involved. It was great! You see, good and bad are not the extremes we experience in our dimension. This means when you are in the Fairy Tale Dimension you can explore life in a totally different manner.

In the following link I show how the very popular fairy tale of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs looks like when the roles are switched. I confess that this gives me the creeps: Snow White Revisited.

In one version Snow White is not the innocent victim. In other versions you could have a sinister prince or the seven dwarfs could be a gang of thugs. Roles are changed constantly in every fairy tale country. It could get very boring otherwise.

3. Playfulness helps you to become more flexible

In our dimension learning is often considered a very serious undertaking. My automatic response to learning is still much too often: ”Take this serious, girl.” We start school at an early age and there are duties like homework and tests. Worthiness is expressed in grades. Future career opportunities depend on the things displayed on your report card. Status in society is often linked to an academic education.

In our school and university system we learn mostly hard facts and not how to steer our lifeboat effectively from the captain´s seat. We are not taught how to become self-aware and how to make decisions in the here and now. This means we have to learn this by ourselves.

In my experience learning functions most efficiently in an adventurous and playful atmosphere. When you let go of seriousness you create much more flexibility and ease. Incorporating more fun and adventure in my own self-development has had very positive effects for me.

With so many changes happening in our world every day that we have to adapt to flexibility and an open mind are very important. By following this blog you allow yourself playfulness and fun.

If you want to play more join my facebook group the Fairy Tale Dimension. Facebook Group Here we we share our impressions and the connections to the FTD we discover in our daily lives. Very inspiring and fun.

Please let me know what aspects of the fairy tale dimension you want to know more about.

Pictures: Pixabay

© Inge Schumacher


Author: SunnyInge

I blog about the behind the scenes info of The Fairy Tale Dimension and invite you to join me in my discoveries. I also blog in German about my work as a healing practicioner and personal development

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