The Big Picture and Big Changes

The readers in my facebook group gave me big questions to ponder for this blog-article.

Thomas wants to know more about the big picture. He says that the Fairy Tale Dimension and our dimension are part of something much larger.

I don´t claim to know the truth about what makes the universe tick and what the big picture looks like. Nobody who is living here can know for sure. Everybody has to come to his or her own conclusions.

A. My personal view on the big picture

Our dimension, our universe is vast and still expanding. Physicists say that it consists of 80% of dark matter that we know hardly anything about. And our universe is only a small part of all that I believe is out there.

In my opinion consciousness creates everything we can see and much more that we can´t see. This consciousness exists in a realm outside of ours and we are part of it. Countless people have written and thought about this over the ages.

There are thousands of books out there with views about the big picture. I call the invisible  part of our consciousness higher self or essence. Other people do too; like the German Kurt Tepperwein and Louise Hay or Eckhart Tolle and Joe Dispenza. There are also many channelers who are contributing their share.

Steinn Farm


The Inge that is writing this blog is only one focus of attention of one such part of consciousness. This means that I have a physical body but I am much more than this visible part. I am part of all of consciousness and so are you.

Dimensions are for experiencing and exploring the physical

Consciousness has created a myriad of dimensions to explore. Touch, feeling, smell, taste, sound and emotions do not exist in pure consciousness. We need a physical body to have access to these experiences. When we leave this world we take back what we have learned.

We are part of a captivating movie

Our life is like a TV-show that we turn on and that is so captivating that we forget everything around us. We get sucked into the movie. Why? We are really getting into the experience of being physical when we forget where we come from and are unaware of the bigger picture.

The shift in consciousness

Because of the shift in consciousness we are getting more aware while in the movie. We are starting to realise that we are so much more than this one person. We can sense that there is a lot more to explore outside of our self.

Different types of dimensions

I compare types of dimensions with different tablet or smartphone games. There are thousands of them: Jump ´n Run games, Match three games, Slot games…

1. Intricate detailed dimensions featuring emotions

We belong to this category and the Fairy Tale Dimension does, too: Intricately, elaborately made dimensions where emotions play a big role. You can experience a lot there and never get bored.

Which other dimensions belong in this category? Both Atlantis Dimensions, the Unicorn dimension and a vast number of elf and fairy dimensions.

2. Inbetween and transit dimensions

These dimensions are gateways between the physical and the non-physical realms and between different dimensions.

An example of this type of dimension is the Waterfall Dimension. You can read more about it here.

Another in between dimension is the tiny Contemplative Dimension for healing that I have helped to build.

3. Liquid and gaseous dimensions

You can visit other dimensions by projecting, dreaming or by reconfiguring your energy. I have visited a liquid dimension and it was not a pleasant experience. It felt very alien to have a body whose boundaries are not fixed and constantly fluctuating in an also constantly flowing environment.

4. Fiction is real

Other dimensions or realities are opened up to us by fiction. Every story that was every written as a book or film is real somewhere. Just like the fairy tales are real in the Fairy Tale Dimension.

Writers tap into other realities when creating their stories. They often say that at a certain point their protagonists start to have a life of their own and do things the author has not expected them to do.

As a science fiction fan I have probably visited the Star Trek Dimension more than once in my dreams. I also love the movie Avatar. Many people are captivated by the freedom and connection to the environment that is shown there. The planet actually exists in our dimension.

There are many more types of dimensions. Everything we can think of and much more does exist somewhere.

Why is our dimension so popular?

Our dimension is very interesting. We experience strong emotions here because we live in the duality of good and bad, of black and white, of love and hate.

My intuition tells me that I have more than 3,000 lives in this dimension spread out over time. A lot of experiences can be accumulated that way. This explains why I have lives that are easy, where I am healthy and happy and other lives that are suffused with suffering. At this moment in time earth has so many inhabitants because things are getting really interesting during the shift.


B. Big changes on earth and in the Fairy Tale Dimension

Peter wants to know what kind of impact the big changes we experience here have on the Fairy Tale Dimension. He means climate change, globalisation, radicalism, terror and war.

There is no direct impact on the Fairy Tale Dimension. It would be very disturbing. If you want to have first hand experience in this dimension you send a focus of attention here.

But there are profound changes going on in both dimensions and nobody knows exactly where they are leading.

1. Changes in the Fairy Tale Dimension

The Fairy Tale Dimension just went through a frequency change that is comparable to our shift because it affects everything. This frequency change was delayed and this caused trauma for the very first time in the Fairy Tale Dimension. They were not acquainted with suffering before because they normally snap out of hurt, pain and death instantly.

This frequency change was not delayed by chance. The inhabitants of the Fairy Tale Dimension wanted to get a feeling for trauma and what we are going through because of the close connection we have.

They are also starting a new chapter. They don´t know what they will be creating after the frequency change any more than we do.

integration falco

2. Changes here

Everything that is happening here on earth at the moment has to do with the shift in consciousness. This dimension has decided to evolve and become more aware of the bigger picture.

The climate change is a direct consequence of humanity having upset the earth´s ecosystem. Now it is searching for a new equilibrium and it will find one with or without us.

The globalisation we experience, through the Internet for example, illustrates our interconnectedness. Secrets are not secrets anymore and information is spread very fast by whistle blowers and the media. When there is trauma because of climate change, war and terror somewhere on the planet, everybody is affected. Because of the shift we are becoming more aware of this interconnectedness.

The changes are unsettling

Changes are coming fast now and we can´t see where they are going to lead us. People try to hold on to structures that are crumbling. This causes angst, fear and anxiety and explains the terrorism, radicalism and war we see today.

Too many moving parts

Not only people, but also companies struggle with these changes. An important buzzword in the business environment at the moment is VUCA. This is an acronym for volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. In other words there are too many moving parts: Companies have to learn how to handle massive unknown changes. They are trying to become more agile to be able to meet unknown challenges better.

There will be more changes

The shift has started in 2000 and will continue until 2070. Many of our main structures and the roles of big authorities will change during this time. At the moment many governments are creating problems and banks are failing. The current US president is an excellent example of this. I cannot take him seriously at all. The traditional authority of the office of the American president is gone.


Good news: We are also changing

I am not afraid of the changes that we are experiencing. Why? In my daily life, in business and in volunteering I meet many people who are aware of our interconnectedness and the bigger picture. Many of these people are working toward lessening the trauma caused by the changes that are going on. I call them shifty people.

What do I do when I feel overwhelmed by the uncertainty?

When I am feeling overwhelmed because of the changes I try to stay in the now, appreciate myself as much as possible and continue to live true to my values. This creates soothing energies and is also helpful for others.

Are we in for a bumpy ride?

Yes! But there is no reason to panic; we have all the instruments we need to make it through this. I talk about this in a live video in the Fairy Tale Dimension facebook group.


Thank you my readers!

I enjoy the exchange with you very much. It challenges me to delve deeper into subjects. Keep the questions coming. Thank you so much!


© Inge Schumacher

Pictures: pixabay and private

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Author: SunnyInge

I blog about the behind the scenes info of The Fairy Tale Dimension and invite you to join me in my discoveries. I also blog in German about my work as a healing practicioner and personal development

One thought on “The Big Picture and Big Changes”

  1. Dieser Beitrag fällt für mich eindeutig in die Kategorie “Brainfuck”, was aber definitiv etwas gutes ist, wie du ja bestimmt von meinem Blog weißt 😀 Danke für die Denkanstöße und diesen faszinierenden Einblick in deine Gedankenwelt!

    Liebe Grüße, Kay

    Liked by 1 person

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