The Frequency Change in the Fairy Tale Dimension

The other day Peter, one of my avid readers, contacted me. He asked me how the frequency change came about and what happened afterwards. He had researched the  website and did not find much information. Grateful for the inspiration I went to work.

Evolution in the human dimension

Our blueprint enables us to evolve without any external help. We are not dependent on a key figure like the ring bearer. This gives us much more freedom to develop ourselves, and our environment. Our bodies change for example: More and more children are born without appendices nowadays. The important evolution for me is the shift in consciousness.

Dimensions have something like a collective intent. Ours has agreed to start this shift in consciousness in the year 2000. Since then we are becoming more aware and start to realise that everybody creates his own reality. Some people do not actively support this development; they will leave sooner or later. The shift will be finished around the year 2075 and I expect the world to look very different then.


Evolution in the Fairy Tale Dimension

Every 2,000 years the predominant colour in the FTD needs to change. For the first time ever the frequency change did not happen on time. Why is the frequency change so important?

The frequency change in the Fairy Tale Dimension is its way of development and evolution. When the end of a colour era nears, the energy level of the whole dimension starts to decrease. The energy that drives the dimension is magic. Without the change there can be no new inventions. The addition of new countries and the discontinuation of old ones gets much more difficult.

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The ring bearer

Responsible for the evolution is a key figure, the ring bearer. Only he or she can work with the blueprint, add and subtract countries and complete frequency changes. This ring bearer is the spiritual leader. He is not responsible for governing but is more a mediator.

This ring bearer is either a magician in the Fairy Tale Dimension or a healer in our dimension. This office is alternating between the dimensions and shows how very intertwined the two dimensions are. The last ring bearer was a magician from the FTD. I am the present ring bearer. You can read how it all started here: The ring bearer.

The change was late

The change was late for about 1,000 years because the last ring bearers from both dimensions did not manage to become one with the third living rune and finalise the change. Some people who tried, when they were not ready, died. This delay has caused unknown hardships in the FTD: A strange sickness started to spread.

Suddenly the inhabitants developed physical problems. This happened for the first time ever and this is why there were no records of this mysterious illness. Since this problem was unheard of in the history of the FTD nobody had an idea what to do.

It took the magicians quite a while to figure out what was happening and to create ways to alleviate the suffering. This was a long time before I got aware of my connection to the Fairy Tale Dimension. You can read more about this in the illness in the fairy tale dimension.


How bad was it?

The situation was very critical when I was appointed the ring bearer 3 years ago. The energy volume had reached an extremely low level. This meant that everybody felt it. I felt the pressure to help fast and was very motivated to support the inhabitants.

Sickness because of an external cause was unheard of until then. Death and accidents that caused physical harm were never permanent in the Fairy Tale Dimension and always a choice. They were part of the stories in the respective fairy tales and were remedied in seconds.

With the sickness caused by the delayed frequency change it was different. People could not snap out of the injuries or death like they were used to. They stayed weak and sick and could not be helped. Injuries healed much slower, if at all, and for some people death lasted much longer than planned.

Countries where shape-shifting was an integral part, like in the merpeople country Mertopia, were hit worst. The shape shifting could only happen slowly if at all and life was seriously disrupted because of this. The longer this situation lasted, the more a depressive mood was spreading throughout the dimension.

The low energy also affected plants and animals. They could not grow and develop normally. In the Fairy Tale Dimension it sometimes is difficult to define what a plant or an animal is because a lot of the species are sentient.


Finalising the frequency change

On the 3rd of February 2018 I was able – with the help of my husband – to finalise the change from purple to yellow because I managed the third rune. I can´t explain how it happened. I remember that in meditation I suddenly realised that I was able to work with the third rune and immediately did it.

I had had many trial runs with the two first runes that are also part of the ring before that. I am an accomplished energy healer here and this helped me working with the invisible energy of magic. Since I did not have a clue how magic worked it was not easy.


The head magicians, the Great Seven trained me patiently, especially my special friend the tree teacher. I recall some instances where my exercises in invoking the two runes resulted in an impressive display of fireworks and there would have been serious destruction if the magicians had not kept everybody safe.

Could I do this again easily now? No. I need to be totally accepting of myself to use this rune without doing any harm. Self-acceptance is definitely one of my life´s goals that I have not achieved permanently yet.

Until the change was finalised a lot of people helped me to alleviate the suffering. Besides the magicians a lot of people who love fairy tales stepped in. Some people were aware of this, like the people in my facebook group, and some weren´t. We did healing circles and supported the local magicians best as we could.

Thank you for your help! People have been telling me that we made a difference and provided much needed hope.


After the frequency change

Half a year after the change things are slowly going back to normal in the Fairy Tale Dimension. The people, plants and wildlife in the more affected fairy countries are still recovering while in other countries there are hardly any marks of the illness any more.

New countries

New countries can be added easily now. Some have been waiting for a long time because the process before the change was long and tedious. You can read about the addition of new countries here.

Evolution of magic

The most important change is that the magic can flow freely once more. The energy volume is again at an optimal level. Shape shifting is easy again and new fields of magic can evolve. I am not sure where the current evolution of magic that has just started will lead us in this era.

The Great Seven magicians are in charge of filtering and promoting new magic tricks before contacting the ring bearer to implement necessary changes of the blueprint.

Some young enthusiasts prefer to contact me themselves to present their new ideas. These two ways ensure that good ideas for the evolution of magic are not lost.

One thing that is changing massively at the moment is the integration of technology from the human dimension. The GrImporter is a good example for this. He is the biggest tech nerd I have met so far.

There are some magicians who experiment with databanks in magic book form as a means to facilitate the organising the fairy tale countries more efficiently.

Just like some humans, they are fascinated by new gadgets. Sooner or later there will probably be some interesting hybrids and magic machines.


The connection to our dimension

My faithful reader Peter surmised correctly that the frequency change has also an impact on our dimension. It has brought us closer together as you can see in the current evolution of machine-magic.

The illness was the first time the inhabitants of the Fairy Tale Dimension got an inkling of what it means to live in the human dimension. They could not understand before what it was like to have a disability and sit in a wheelchair or to be suffering from a chronic disease. The whole concept of suffering was alien to them.

Just like we cannot comprehend how to die and immediately reappear or how magic works.

The two dimensions are connected with a loose chain. This way each one of us can rock its boat without doing too much harm to the other side. The illness rocked the FTD boat quite hard.

With all the unrest we have in our dimension with the climate change and political turmoil we did not feel it. Perhaps now we can profit from the ease, laughter and positive energy emanating from the FTD at the moment.

Thank you for the inspiration for this blog article, Peter! Everybody: Feel free to contact me when you have any questions or ideas for this blog! Remember, there is no right and wrong in the exploration of the Fairy Tale Dimension.


Pictures: pixabay, private

© Inge Schumacher

















Author: SunnyInge

I blog about the behind the scenes info of The Fairy Tale Dimension and invite you to join me in my discoveries. I also blog in German about my work as a healing practicioner and personal development

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