Update from the Fairy Tale Dimension

It has been some time since I told you about my work as the ring-bearer in the Fairy Tale Dimension.

Here I live a normal life with my family. I work in my home and as a healing practitioner. I coach people and write blog articles on personal development, mostly in German, and do live workshops. I enjoy working internationally.

One part of me is connected closely to the Fairy Tale Dimension

I am visiting the Fairy Tale Dimension often. But in my daily life I am not aware of doing this. This is a good thing because I am rooted here and I can distinguish this reality from the one in the Fairy Tale Dimension easily. Otherwise I would probably get confused and end up in an institution.

The ring-bearer before me

My predecessor was from the Fairy Tale Dimension. He was a magician with a mischievous smile whom I picture with a long grey beard and a Merlin outfit. He had the job for about 300 years. He was a very nice guy and much liked by everybody. He loved meeting people and partying. His strong point was to keep the fairy tale countries together.

Magier Playmo

He visited our dimension often in medieval times

Because he could materialize anywhere he wanted to he was one of the most travelled persons of that time. He visited the Aborigines of Australia when they still had the continent to themselves, for example.

He perceived our planet as one living being and was very taken by its beauty and interconnected life.

This is different from the Fairy Tale Dimension where very diverse countries exist side by side that can function well apart from each other. When you change something in one country it does not affect the others much.

On our planet we are only now learning how closely everything is interconnected

When there is a war in one part of our world the other parts are touched by the violent energies, too. It does not matter that we don´t feel this consciously. When people suffer somewhere the rest of us also suffers but we are often too numb to feel it. It is in all of our interest to become more aware of our interconnectedness. We are getting there:

People start to tap more into our planet´s agonies

This spring I had the first clients who felt uneasy and restless and did not understand why they had trouble sleeping. I found out that they had tapped into the suffering of our planet. When they understood the reason for their symptoms and I helped them to buffer the excess energies they could sleep again.

I also feel the trauma many people are experiencing at the moment. I experience gloomy days, feeling unwell and headaches. It took some time before I realised that my compassion was getting the best of me. Of course it is not very efficient to feel bad when you want to support and lend energy. I realised I have to buffer much more now and this helps.

Send me an E-mail if

you have unexplainable symptoms like

  • bad sleep
  • feeling restless
  • some doom and gloom days
  • feeling helpless
  • sudden fear
  • unusual headaches or feeling dizzy

I tell you for free the whole of November 2019 whether your symptoms are connected to the turmoil we are in.

What my predecessor accomplished

My predecessor as a ring-bearer was very fond of the multitude of life in the millions of our galaxies. He loved all the life forms he found and the diversity he discovered. He kept notes and dictated them to his secretaries back home. His travel accounts fill a big bookcase in the magic library.

His aim was to link the two dimensions in a very beneficial way and he did accomplish that.

Where my predecessor failed

What he did not achieve – like many ring bearers before him – was the frequency change  that is so vital for the development and the wellbeing of the Fairy Tale Dimension. It has to be done every 2.000 years by the current ring-bearer. It was long overdue by the time the ring energy was brought to me four years ago.

Because of his many travels he did not apply himself enough to mastering the third rune of the ring that enables the necessary changes of the blueprint of the dimension.

100 percent self-acceptance is needed

The blueprint of the Fairy Tale Dimension is a living entity. You have to be totally in tune with yourself to safely channel the energies necessary to complete the frequency change. Otherwise you create disturbances that literally tear you apart. Only somebody who is totally accepting of self can channel these energies without getting hurt.

Sadly he left this task to his successor – me – a human being who is still developing her healing abilities. My talent as a healer was the reason why I was chosen by the ring energy to be the living link between our two dimensions.

I have been working on my self-acceptance since my early twenties. To complete the frequency change I knew I needed to reach a level of 100% of self-acceptance. How was I ever going to manage that?


Time was running out in the Fairy Tale Dimension

I was not sure whether I could ever achieve 100%. I was practising a lot to master the two gatekeeper runes of the ring that were there for training purposes. I was very much aware of the growing urgency:

The whole Fairy Tale Dimension was showing signs of sickness and a lot of beings were suffering. They never had to do that in the past. Instant healing was what they were used to. My healing circle and me did our best to try to alleviate the worst consequences but time was running out.

Practise and training

I had a lot of help with the training. My favourite tree teacher was practising with me a lot because I had to learn how to manipulate huge amounts of energy. Accidents could have been very harmful for the whole dimension. Soon the specially proofed rooms of the magic school could not buffer these energies any more. Magicians from all over the dimension volunteered to help contain the dangerous results of my training.

When I tap into this I see a circle of beings – magicians can have almost every shape and form – struggling to keep a big containment field intact. We all ended up with singed body parts and torn clothes a lot of times. And more than once there was a big crater because I had vaporised us all. Thankfully death and injuries are not permanent there and we reappeared with ringing ears the next instant and evaluated what went wrong.

Humour is an integral part of the Fairy Tale Dimension

The magicians laughed so much about my futile attempts that they often pissed me off. Hey, I was doing this for them and they were rolling on the ground holding their bellies laughing!

What I cherished was the support and the companionship of this diverse group of beings. They never wavered in their trust. Well, they did not really have an alternative.

I only reached 100% self-acceptance once in the beginning of February 2018 in a meditation; assisted by my husband who is an expert energy manipulator. Thankfully that was enough. The moment I realised that I was at 100% the first thing I did was finalise the frequency change in the Fairy Tale Dimension. How relieved I felt you cannot imagine!

I have not been at 100% self-acceptance ever since. I remember this wonderful feeling of inner peace and I am still working towards that goal. This is not easy with all the not good enoughs we are brought up with.

One and a half years after the frequency change

The healing of the ill effects of the delay of frequency change is still in progress. People, plants and everything else are slowly returning to a healthy state.

space-big copy

My big tour through the Fairy Tale Dimension

Since the change I have been on a big tour through every country. I am keeping up the tradition of my predecessor in getting to know as much about the other dimension as I possibly can.

Even with my many means of transportation: Library tunnels, teleporting and the flying boots I only manage to visit three or four countries per day. It will take decades to complete my task and I am not sure whether I will be ever able to finish it. I do it anyway. It is so much fun for everybody.

Empty and overcrowded countries

On this journey I learn a lot. I have discovered some abandoned fairy tale countries. Together with the GrImporter I decide whether we can still use them or if they should make place for new ones.

Some countries are crowded. The Rapunzel country is one of them. Here I work together with local magicians and gentry to decide how and where to create more space.

With everybody worrying about the frequency change maintenance concerning individual countries wasn´t a priority.

How do I know all this about the Fairy Tale Dimension?

I get the information I am sharing here by tapping into it. When I do my looking behind the scenes articles I tap into these countries and share my impressions.

What is tapping into?

Tapping into is much like every author of fiction works. I just heard Sebastian Fitzek, the internationally successful German writer of thrillers, say in an interview that 80 pages into a new book, his main figures take over the lead and all his plans for the plot are for the waste paper basket. He just hopes that the story will have an end he can live with. He has not believed other writers who told the same story until he experienced it himself.

Every book is real somewhere

When an author is writing he is tapping into another reality. Every book that is written is true in some realm and the writer finds the key to this reality and transports it back here for us to enjoy.

Tapping into while writing

This is just what I do: I tap into the Fairy Tale Dimension and I tell you about it in my behind the scenes articles:

Writing this blog motivates me to take the time to sit down and tap into the Fairy Tale Dimension regularly. While writing information and impressions find their way into my mind and onto the page.

Or in the shower

One of the places where I can tap into the Fairy Tale Dimension very well besides the computer is the shower. This is the reason why I sometimes stay in the shower much longer than necessary for cleaning purposes.

How accurate are my impressions of the Fairy Tale Dimension?

I have no idea. There is no scientific proof of anything of this yet. Scientists are still working on the the theories of multiple dimensions.

Does it matter? Not really. It widens my awareness to tap into the Fairy Tale Dimension. It has become much more easy to create my reality here because I can see many more possibilities. And it is fun!

Do you have any questions about the Fairy Tale Dimension and my role as the ring-bearer? Don´t hesitate to ask.

Are there any fairy tale countries you would like to have behind the scenes information of?

Pictures: Private

© Inge Schumacher

Author: SunnyInge

I blog about the behind the scenes info of The Fairy Tale Dimension and invite you to join me in my discoveries. I also blog in German about my work as a healing practicioner and personal development https://blogphysioenergie.wordpress.com/

One thought on “Update from the Fairy Tale Dimension”

  1. I’ve been looking on the Internet for anyone that knows about the other dimensions. Makes me feel better reading your stories my family thinks I’m crazy when I talk about it most people in this world don’t believe because they’re stuck thinking this is the only geometry to our dimension. But people from are plane can be fulfilled as in ascending because what you’ve been blogging about I’ve really been there and there is lots of them mostly on the border they tell me if I go over I might get lost but anyway. Justin TRIPLETT


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