The Waterfall Dimension and Dreaming

Today I introduce another dimension in this blog. Apart from the fairy tale dimension we have visited the contemplative dimension. There are billions of dimensions which all exist parallel because consciousness is so vast. When I try to comprehend this, my head starts to hurt so I just stop trying.

The Waterfall Dimension

We discovered the waterfall dimension in my husband´s teleportation group a few months ago. It is a transitory dimension. This means that you can end up there when you travel through dimensions without a specific goal.

Travelling through dimensions?

I don´t do that! You will probably say. Well, sorry, yes you do. All of us project to other dimensions in our sleep without being aware of it. The dimension we visit most is the fairy tale dimension this blog is about. You can read about how the fairy tale dimension is constructed and how it works here.

Beside the fairy tale dimension we visit many other dimensions, too. I have been to the Unicorn dimension, Atlantis, a liquid dimension and the Naga dimension (big sentient snake-like beings live there) to name a few. We can do much more than we realise!

Reykjafoss in Iceland

It seems that a lot of us are coming across the waterfall dimension sooner or later. There is some kind of natural connection to our dimension I cannot pinpoint yet. This connection makes it easy for us to make a stopover there before moving on.

What does the Waterfall Dimension look like?

The waterfall dimension looks like a giant tiered cake. There are 9 big layers. Every layer is a separate world on its own. The layers are connected by giant waterfalls. Many different waterfalls fall over the rims and connect one layer to the next. These waterfalls are like gigantic lifts: Some are flowing upward and some downward. They flow through vacuum and space so gravitation ends at some point. But the water is still flowing to the next layer.

There must be a huge water cycle spanning the 9 worlds. For the animals and plant life living in this water means that their home is a giant vehicle that enables them to travel a lot. When I tap into the plant life I see big interwoven red algae that serve as nesting grounds for small animals. There is also a predator that reminds me of our dolphins. It can live both in and out of the water.

sequoia tree LoggaWiggler
Sequoia by LoggaWiggler Pixabay

The ships

The waterfalls are navigated with special ships. These ships are built of the wood of a huge sequoia-like tree that has specific properties: To navigate safely in the streams and not topple off into the void the ships need to have some kind of friction that makes them stick to the stream. The wood is essential for this.

The people who harvest the wood can communicate with the plants and thus shape the trees growing them according to the form that will be needed later. Especially the big logs are pre-manufactured this way. The smaller parts are built with normal woodwork.

The ships have a closed ovoid shape and, if needed, can be totally immersed in water. It is important that the ships are kept permanently at a certain angle to maintain optimal buoyancy. It takes skilled navigators to manoeuver them.

The navigators

The navigators are a species that has dedicated itself to tending the trees, building the ships and navigating them up and down the waterfalls.

To me they look ant-like, walking upright with a big head with antennas and many thin stick-like arms and legs that can manipulate a multitude of controls at once.

The non-physical

The specialty of the waterfall dimension is a connection to non-physical realms: In the room between the cake layers the veils between the physical and the non-physical can become very thin.

What does that mean? We are physical because we have bodies. We can touch material things and manipulate them.

Nonphysical things can´t be touched and are normally not seen by us because of the veils that separate us from the non-physical.

Consequently when you travel these waterfalls you can see and interact with all kinds of ghosts and apparitions you would not be aware of in your physical world. You can also see what impact your energy is making and how you are forming energies. If you always wanted to be semi-transparent, this is the place to go for it.

Depending on how far apart the layers are, the veils are thinner or thicker. You can get very uncomfortable in the places where the layers are further apart and the veils get very thin.

This can be very scary! Just imagine a ghost or a horrific monster materializing beside you as you read this article. Would you say: Hi, how are you and start a conversation? Probably not. I would be frightened for sure! Why? Because we are not used to this and need time to adjust.

Luckily the navigator species is not only very apt at handling the ships but they also help their passengers to get used to the nonphysical energies during the weeklong journeys.

Near Godafoss in Iceland


The Octopus

The waterfall dimension is also a giant hub for travelling to other dimensions. In its center a giant Octopus is living. It is in charge of the travelling aspect of the dimension. It knows a lot about other dimensions because he is connected to many of them.

When you want to travel to another dimension you talk to the Octopus who will read you energy and porpose dimensions you might enjoy. The fee for travelling is telling your story when you come back on your way home.

Imagine how many stories this creature has collected over millenia!


I regularly join my friend Harry Bosma in one of his dream groups. Since I am not an avid recorder of my dreams I motivate myself to pay more attention to them by attending some of his group events. Last October we even did a group dream event featuring the fairy tale dimension.

I know that I visit the fairy tale dimension a lot in my dreams but it is hard for me to recall and interpret the feelings and images I dream about. I overcome this obstacle by what I call tapping into. By tapping into I connect with the subject I want to know about energetically.

In the dream groups we set dream goals and share our dreams and daytime synchronicities. The participants of the recent dream group are familiar with the fairy tale dimension and have all been travelling regularly to other dimensions with my husband´s teleportation group. One of our goals in this group was to connect to other dimensions. Interestingly we ended up in the waterfall dimension and this experience inspired me to write this blog article.

Dreaming about the Waterfall Dimension

First all of us dreamt of water in different forms. Then a torus shaped form started to appear in our dreams. We discovered that this shape stands for a being that is the gatekeeper of the waterfall dimension. I imagine that it works a little like the GrImporter in the fairy tale dimension.


One of the group dreamers found out that the torus can communicate by feelings and so finds out the intentions of the visitors. It is aware of what they want to experience and of their preferences. It then recommends places to go and sends them on their way. My feeling is that travellers pass right through the torus.

To me the torus is not entirely physical. There is no doubt that it is sentient, highly intelligent and compassionate however. It seems to be made out of dense fog and does not have any organs, arms or legs. It is a very interesting being we will explore further.

I am always amazed how we come up with information in the dream groups and how we create a much bigger picture by adding our dreams. Thank you a lot D, Harry and T for your input to this blog article!

The whole water dimension still feels very alien to me. It is so different from our dimension and the fairy tale dimension. I don´t know much about the 9 individual worlds yet and I will see what we will find out in the future. I am especially curious about the connection between our dimensions. As always: Your impressions are welcome.

Photos: private and pixabay

© Inge Schumacher

Author: SunnyInge

I blog about the behind the scenes info of The Fairy Tale Dimension and invite you to join me in my discoveries. I also blog in German about my work as a healing practicioner and personal development

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