Old Events

Last October there was a  Group Dreaming Event

I am planning to repeat this

Who, when and where?

Harry Quinto  is a dream expert from the Netherlands and a friend of mine. He had the idea for this joint project which I am looking very much forward to. You can find his website about dreaming here: Harry Quinto His facebook group is Dreamers United Fb.

Event Dates are: Friday 19th to Sunday 21th of October 2017 and

Friday 26th to Sunday 29th of October 2017

Harry is hosting our group dream event on his website Dreamers United: https://dreamunit.net  The web site has many neat features. For example you can upload pictures and research dream symbols. You can also request an e-mail notification when people in your group share dreams. This group dreaming event is in English.

Please register here https://dreamunit.net/group/?p=pooling to take part. Harry created a group for us called Fairy Tale Dimension. 

When you are registered you can use this direct link to the group:Fairy Tale Dimension

How does group dreaming work?

Our group dreaming has a theme: The fairy tale dimension (FTD). There will be an intended location in the FTD where we focus on for example the home of the ringbearer: To get a feeling for this location you can read this blogpost The Home of the Ring Bearer.

To prepare for this group event you can immerse yourself in the dimension by reading my blog. This is not mandatory of course. All of us are born with a natural connection to the FTD and many of us love fairy tales.

You don´t have to have any prior experiences with group dreaming to participate. You should have an interest in dreaming though. It is best to not to expect too much and just surprise yourself. It would be great if you manage to participate both weekends.

In this group we will try to

  • Arrive at the intended location: still a secret
  • Notice dream syncs with other dreamers in dreams and in daytime
  • Dream about and with others in the group

Before and after the weekends

Before each weekend there is a discussion about the specific goals for the weekend, plus a really quick ritual to commit to the group dreaming. Goals will be adjusted to the preferences of the group for the best results. Groups will always start with focusing on group dreaming the first weekend.

Harry is very good at answering any questions you might have and he gives very useful tips. He also sums up every weekend for us. I am the connection to the FTD and function as a possible focal point. I also share my impressions with you.

During the weekends

During the weekend everybody can post and read all shared dreams and comment on them. A lot of insights for my dreams I received from fellow group members sharing their impressions. Fun!

The idea is that you post the dreams you wake up with on Saturday, and use dreams you wake up with on Sunday as a fallback.

If you dream about someone else in the group, please mark this in Dreamers United with your dream. This will add you to a group chart. When you see that someone else has a dream that resembles yours, mark this as a sync at their dream. This will also add a connection to the group chart. If people dream of each other and have similar dreams, bingo!

How much does this event cost?

Price for both weekends together is €22.50, which can be paid through paypal or direct transfer here https://dreamunit.net/group/?p=pooling.


My own experiences with group dreaming

I have used Harry´s Dreamers United website as a dream journal for more than four years. I mostly record my dreams there when they are memorable to me. I have been participating in at least 4  group dreaming events during this time.

At the beginning I was very sceptical whether I – as a not very experienced dreamer – would get anything out of such an event. But believe me every time I participated I got so much more out of it than I thought possible!

You need to take a little time in the morning to jot down some notes about your dreams when you wake up. This for me is the best way to remember. When I have more time I lie down and try to reminisce. I ask myself: Was there a general feeling to the dream and which one was it? Where there people and what did they look like? Where there any colours, tastes or smells? These specifics help me to remember more details.

But even with these techniques there are times when I don´t remember a thing. This can happen and it is OK! We are not machines. Please don´t get angry at yourself for not remembering a dream because this is not going to help your recall at all. You will make it only worse. There is always the next day to try again. I sometimes shared a dream in midweek that was connected to the weekend before.

When you are curious about dreaming and the connections we have to each other this event is a good method to widen your experience and your awareness. I have met people from all over the globe in Harry´s groups. Fun!