My Dream: Magic is Real

In the Fairy Tale Dimension magic is an integral part of life. It simply belongs there.

Normal people in the Fairy Tale Dimension use magic to help with everyday chores like housecleaning and cooking. Most of them use it to play and have no interest in becoming experts. Experts in using magic are magicians and sorcerers who are taught in magic schools.

I am a big fan of fantasy and science fiction. In this article I dream about what a fictional world where Magic is real looks like. I ask myself what would happen if magic would be introduced into our dimension. What would change?

Accompany me on my visit of an imagined future.

What would happen if one individual stumbling around in consciousness would bring magical energy back to this dimension? Since it would be new there would be nobody who knew how it works and we would all have to find out by trial and error. Something humans have always been very good at:

There are always explorers who are happy to take risks and chart unknown territory. Not me. I am happy to follow these explorers.

The Magic I call Magitec

The energy I dream about connects with our technology and science and gives it a new basis. This is why I call this new energy Magitec: It is a combination of Magic and technology.

What could Magitec be like?

This energy could be sentient in some way, similar to plants and animals. It would not be a thing. It could fit in our quantum field and could be connected to everything. That would make it much more complicated to explore than a new machine because when you put in an X the output would not necessarily always be a Y.

Who could use Magic?

Everybody could access it but we would need to develop new neurological pathways in our brains to master it. We would have to start trusting in something we cannot see yet.

To develop this trust is very important. Columbus trusted that he would reach land beyond the horizon otherwise he would never have convinced a king to back him and started to sail into the unknown.

Our senses need expanding

To master Magic we would need to widen the input of our senses considerably. Their input depends on our brain. And our brain is built on experience: Our senses can only perceive what our brain tells them to.


If an alien spaceship would land in my front yard now I would not see it. My brain would block it since I am not used to spaceships in my daily life. I could not see it because my brain has never experienced anything like it. Even though I have read about spaceships in books and seen movies. It does not match my experiences and the experiences of the people around me.

We are all connected

As a species we share the same experiences. This makes it possible for us to agree on objects we can all see and name. We agree that we are living in the same surroundings as our neighbours. To slowly allow our senses to input information that is automatically blocked, like Magic, we would have to find ways to expand them.

This is why we would need a lot of determination engage Magitec at the beginning.

My dream Magic is not easy to master

The beginners, the first magicians, would have to implement a totally new system into our combined subjective reality. That takes time and effort. But the more people take part the easier it gets for the others.

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To create a path through the jungle from A to B the first explorers have to clear the way with machetes. That takes a lot of energy and time. The people following them can already move much faster. They widen the path and some day the first vehicle can use it. Then somebody creates a street and now everybody is able to get from A to B easily.

This means that there needs to be a core group of people who trust and engage Magitec. They pave the way for the others who follow them. The more people participate the easier it will get.

How could we train our brains?

We could take a light bulb in our hand and start experimenting. We try to light the bulb with the spell Lumosphere for example. It would probably take much longer than we expect to actually see it lighting up although it has been lighting up from the beginning of our experiment. Our brains just did not provide our senses with the appropriate input.

Spells and wands

I would like to keep this magic as easy as possible. I am no fan of wands. Why? The magic in the Harry Potter Dimension described by J. K. Rowlings needs wands and complicated spells. It feels impracticable and cumbersome to me to carry a wand around always.

What are Magic spells?

Spells act as focal points. They show others ways in which Magic works. When somebody finds out a way to use Magitec they condense their path into one word and others can follow in their footsteps easily.

These spells are collected in a book, a grimoire, or on a website.

As the numbers of spells increase we would probably need to get the spells checked by a group of experts doing a spell-performance-check.

Lumosphere is an example for a beginner´s spell: It creates a floating ball of light or lights a light bulb in your hand.

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How dangerous is Magic?

Magic could cause considerable harm. Knowing humans, there might soon be spells that harm people. Then you might need a magic police force to keep a watchful eye on the development of Magic.

Different levels of Magic

You don´t want people running around creating havoc with magic. A solution to this problem could be a level system. Since the Magic energy would be sentient, different levels of Magic could be accessed depending on the level of consciousness each person has.

With consciousness I mean how aware a person is of himself, of what he is doing and why. Because the less you are at war with yourself the less you are inclined to create problems for yourself and others when using Magic.

Everybody starts at beginner level 1. You level up when you master the basics. Magitec would sense on its own when an individual is ready for the next level.

Not everybody would want to become an expert but for some Magic would be the answer to their dreams.

What would change with Magic?

I hope that altruistic people find out about magic first. I don´t want this power in the hands of big conglomerates or corrupt egotists. These guys would probably be too narrow minded to notice magic early anyway.

  • Since Magitec works well with science and technology there would probably be a lot of new inventions.
  • More efficient propulsion systems for rockets could enable the exploration of space
  • We could invent cleaner means of transportation. I have always dreamed of antigravitational vehicles, for example.
  • We could also use devices for storing big amounts of energy.
  • Explorations of other dimensions and other realms of consciousness could be new fields of study.
  • There could be big changes in medicine: We could employ Magic for the regeneration of body tissue and coping with diseases.
  • Computers and mobile phones could get smarter and support us more individually.
  • It could get much harder to keep secrets from the public.

What would I personally do with Magic?

I would use it for healing purposes. It would be great if it could help my clients understand better what they are doing and why. Aiding us all to become more conscious and therefore more able to create the reality we want would be great.

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Big dreams involving Magic

We could save the planet and help it to find a new equilibrium. We could…

  • invent a new species that lives on the plastic we pollute the oceans with. Let´s call it Prill. It could fit in the food chain just like Krill that has problems adjusting to climate change. It would be edible for sea creatures.
  • invent a giant ventilation system – like the jet stream – that transports dirt, radioactive waste and other toxic elements from the air right out into space where they disintegrate.
  • use existing air conditioning systems to purify the air.
  • invent anaerobic bacteria that feed on the toxic waste we have dumped in the ground everywhere and render it harmless.
  • find out new ways to help the rainforests regrow.
  • support scientists in coping with the hazards originating from the thawing of the permafrost. Many germs and bacteria have stayed frozen there for centuries and are now released into the atmosphere: 2016 there was an Anthrax outbreak in Siberia.

There are so many possibilities that my head is spinning.

How did you like my dream of a world where Magic is real?

Magic could be a great step forward. It could save the human race from extinction.

It could be the beginning of a new space age and many new inventions. It could change everything: our society and the way we live.

Magitec could help to empower us and show that we are truly creating our reality. We would be less susceptible to governments and media who like to tell us what to think and to believe.

Would you want to live in a world where Magic exists?

What would you want to use Magitec for?

Pitures: Pixabay and Private

© Inge Schumacher