How Elves from Iceland Came to Visit

Iceland is calling

Long before I went to Iceland for the first time it was calling for me. It felt as if every time I switched on the TV there was a documentary about Iceland. Iceland kept on making itself known. It took a while before I got aware of this because I did not have any connection to this country before.

Finally I decided that I would visit Iceland some time in the future. I knew that I wanted to discover this country slowly and skip the popular big bus tours around the ringroad of the island.

A few years later, after my third child was born, I heard from a friend about an Icelandic woman who offered slow tours for small groups. When my baby was two years old  I booked a tour in Iceland with her. My husband stayed at home and looked after our three kids.


How I became aware of elves

When I saw Iceland for the first time I fell immediately in love. I don´t know what fascinated me more: The wide-open landscape, the crisp air, the emptiness. It was not surprising after I had given myself so many nudges to visit over the years. I definitely resonate with this country.

When I went into the countryside for the first time I had the impression of being greeted and waved at. This was well before I was aware of the Fairy Tale Dimension and my role in it.

Luckily I was travelling with an Icelandic woman who was open for invisible energies. She told me that it could well be possible that the elves said Hi. During the journey she pointed out fairy dwellings to us and I started to look at Iceland with my normal and my energy senses simultaneously.


Steinn farm

On our holiday this year we stayed a week at Steinn farm which has a wonderful view over the Skagafjördur. Steinn means rock in Icelandic. I asked our wonderful hosts Gústav and Annemie where the name of their farm came from. They told me that it was named after a big rock right in the middle of the farm grounds where elves lived. They added that I was welcome to go exploring as long as I was respectful.

Steinn rock

Of course I went exploring! When walking around the grounds I realised that this big rock  was indeed the energetic centre of the whole farm. I used my energy senses and I could feel the fairy energy through the rock. I also found out that this dwelling had a connection to the fjord connecting it directly to the water.


An invitation to visit

During my first stay in Iceland 2012 I repeatedly saw the picture of a white arch with light blue round windows in meditation. It looked organic with smooth curves as if it was painted by the painter Hundertwasser. I told my Icelandic guide about it and she said that this picture could show an entrance to the fairy country and that I should try to visit.

So while meditating I tried to go through this white-blue arc, but I quickly found out that this was not so easy. I realised that I had to somehow adjust my energy to be able to enter. I did not know anything about visiting other dimensions and reconfiguring your energy to fit in then. It took multiple attempts to get in and I was not able to stay long.


Visiting elves

The impressions I brought home from these first visits were of a cosy village with colourful clad inhabitants who gave me a warm welcome. They looked human and were about my height. They were very interested in getting to know me and invited me into their homes. I participated in gatherings and parties.

The general mood of this place was very different from a human place. People loved to play pranks and there was a lot of laughter and play. And you could feel that magic worked here.


Looking behind the scenes of a fairy country

1. Leaders

I could not make out a single leader. There was a group of older people who others turned to. They were not awe-inspiring in any way. Some of them even looked a little dishevelled, their grey hair sticking up on end; a little as if they just had gotten up. They were wearing the same colourful many times washed working clothes like all the other people.

On official occasions though I saw them in fine clothes, tunics with golden or silver threads. They wore jewellery and had elaborate hair-dos.

These elders were either accomplished magicians and healers or they had expert knowledge about plants, animals or crafts. Each one of these men and women had apprentices who learned from them and looked after them.

2. Connecting with an elf-healer

I met one accomplished healer there who I have been working with in my healing practise since then. She provides elf energy that some of my clients can profit from.

When we met we found out that we had a very similar take on healing: Supporting people on their own paths, not telling them what is right or wrong. We have established an easy way to connect and exchange energy when needed.

Nice place for an elf community

3. Family ties

The small children were with the adults all the time, literally under their feet, when they were doing their chores. The kids seemed to know instinctively how far they could go before they were sent away. Nobody was afraid that the little ones could drown in the river or hurt themselves. Of course death or injuries in the fairy tale dimension are not permanent.

The family ties seemed to be very loose. Children ate their meals with whomever they wanted to in the village. The sleeping arrangements for the kids were similarly vague. Everybody seemed to be caring for the kids.

4. Learning

I did not see a school anywhere in this country. The children seemed to absorb knowledge at their own pace and had their own motives for learning.

I must admit that I am getting jealous tapping into this because our school system is so much different from their approach and so not compatible with the energy changes we are currently experiencing.

5. The average household

looked colourful, untidy and not clean by our standards. Bacteria or mould did not seem to be a problem there. The houses did not have any bathrooms or showers.

There were public baths at lakes or rivers. The washing in the mornings and evenings was a loud and splashy affair. For privacy people had to find secluded washing spaces.

6. Food

The meals in my elf country looked much like home cooked food at home. I saw horses, cows, sheep and chicken walking around. There were vegetable garden and fields with corn.


7. Harmonising energies

I witnessed what looked a little like religious services. On these occasions the elves formed a circle in the meadows. They connected with their surroundings and harmonised their energies with those of their surroundings. I recall a picture of the mist rolling over the countryside and a circle of people singing and chanting.

8. Climate

I did not experience any extreme weather conditions during my visits. I was told that environmental disasters like floods, fires or avalanches do happen. But the elves take care to locate their villages in safe places. Before starting to build a new village or a dwelling they connect with the energy of the land and decide how and where the involved energies would fit together best. Perhaps we can learn something from them?


A portal in our garden

On this first visit to Iceland the elves told me that they would open a portal in my garden so that we could easily visit each other. When I got home I looked around and sure enough, I found it. They opened the portal under our pink rose-bush. I could not “see” this portal but I sensed it.

As my Icelandic guide had taught me, I regularly brought them small gifts like beautiful marbles or small cookies. And sure enough the gifts were gone after a while. We had this portal for several years until I became better acquainted with the Fairy Tale Dimension and started to visit it regularly.

The rosebush-portal in 2012

Can we see the elves in our house and garden?

I am not able to see fairies with my normal eyes. I use what I call my “energy vision” to sense them or generate pictures and impressions of them.

My family and I are aware of them though. Sometimes we see movements out of the corners of our eyes. Sometimes there are little blurred beings zapping in fast-forward mode around our living room. I admit that this was and sometimes still is a little creepy.

I explain this zapping around with the difference in the speed the time has in the two dimensions. Our time here is passing much more slowly than the one in their fairy tale country. This is why they seem to move so fast for us.

They looked quite small too, only about 20 cm high. When I visited them they seemed to have had my height. Did I become smaller when I visited? Perhaps, their small size is the easiest way for them to adjust to the physics of our dimension.

Of course Iceland is not the only place where you can meet elves or fairies or  other magical creatures. They are as much interested in us as we are in them and when you are aware you can meet them.

There also are many different fairy tale countries. So your experiences can be totally different from mine and just as real. Please share your impressions here!

Photos: private

© Inge Schumacher